Monday, March 4, 2019

An Engaging Way to Teach Grammar

Why teach grammar? Grammar is taught to improve writing. And grammar activities that get students writing sentences that focus on various components of grammar are best.

I once had a foreign language teacher that demonstrated German prepositions as she acted them out around a desk. So to this day I think of them in relation to a table or desk or something that one can go under, above, beside, across from, or around. I never forgot what prepositions were and that easily translated into remembering the English version as well. I knew my students would have fun with a version of this activity and I am hopeful they will forever remember what prepositions are in order to create better pieces of writing.

I began by showing students a lot of sentences with prepositions. I explained that prepositions are words that tell how, when, what, how much, which one, why, or where about something in a sentence.  Armed with a list of common prepositions, students' task was to create a basic story line with a partner using as many of the prepositions as possible.

Among the plants, sits a preposition story, with lots of 
prepositional phrases inspired by a geranium. 
During winter. In Wisconsin.

Next, they took this a step further to illustrate their story line. They were soon staging various stuffed animals and other objects around the classroom in order to create a visual for their sentences. 

"What should the zebra do? Beneath, above, beside??"

"The green monkey is going under the cart."

They collaged the pictures in Book Creator and captioned each picture with their corresponding sentences. 

In the future I would definitely ask  
students to highlight the prepositions!

Finally they uploaded their pages into SeeSaw to share them with the class. Whenever students are given the opportunity to read each other's work online it not only helps them grow as learners, but is also one of the most engaging activities ever! 

This lesson was done in a one hour block. Given more time, these pieces could have been much more extensive, but either way I'm thinking students will likely always remember what a preposition is. 

So, in spite of all the fun during this prepositional learning segment, it is time to wish you a day that is above, beyond, and outside of your wildest dreams!

A special thank you to my high-school and college German teachers who helped me not only to remember prepositions, and improve my writing, but to inspire my own students decades later.

L.4.1 (e) Form and use prepositional phrases.
L.5.1 (a) Explain function of prepositions and their function in particular sentences.

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